Multivariate Analysis of Co-creation Activities in University Education
Eirini Vardakosta
Georgios Priniotakis
Michail Papoutsidakis
Marisa Sigala
Dimitrios Nikolopoulos
This paper investigates the viewpoints and perspectives of 179 undergraduate students engaged in a co-creation project regarding their anticipated pro.
This paper investigates the viewpoints and perspectives of 179 undergraduate students engaged in a co-creation project regarding their anticipated progress, exploring, simultaneously, the affecting factors. The students attended the physics course in the Department of Industrial Design and Production Engineering at the University of West Attica, Greece. The investigation is implemented through a questionnaire that appraises the students' co-creation expectations in association with collected demographic data via twenty-two close-ended questions (Q1-Q22). Several statistical data sets are presented, including descriptive and correlation statistics and principal component and exploratory factor analyses. The majority of the replies are provided by male participants in their first year of study, with an average age of between 18 and 19. The correlation coefficient between the questions ranges from -.04 to.73, with the maximum occurring between the questions Q19 and Q20. Factor analysis justified by KMO (.862) and Bartlett’s sphericity (1749.843, p= .000) tests indicates five principal components within the following factors determining the undergraduate co-creation activities: responsible behaviour, feedback, helping, tolerance, and personal interaction. The above findings may contribute to the implementation of students’ co-creation as they are valuable tools for the design and pre-requisites for a successful implementation.
Keywords: Co-creation, factor analysis, multivariate analysis, questionnaire, university students.
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