Predictors of Dropout Intention in French Secondary School Students: The Role of Test Anxiety, School Burnout, and Academic Achievement
Chloé Sperduto , Fabien Fenouillet , Christophe Boujon , Marie Oger , Charles Martin-Krumm , Evgeny Osin
School dropout intention and reduced academic achievement are two crucial indicators of school dropout risk. Past studies have shown that school perfo.
- Pub. date: October 15, 2024
- Online Pub. date: September 17, 2024
- Pages: 1901-1915
- 0 Citations
School dropout intention and reduced academic achievement are two crucial indicators of school dropout risk. Past studies have shown that school performance plays a mediating role in the models explaining dropout intentions. School burnout and test anxiety have been identified as predictors of both academic performance and school dropout. However, their combined effects on the intention to leave school have not yet been investigated. We aimed to address this gap by exploring the predictors of school dropout intention in a sample of 205 French secondary school students. Structural equation modelling analyses have revealed the specific facets of school burnout (devaluation) and test anxiety (cognitive interference) that explained the school dropout intentions and academic performance. Grade Point Average (GPA) was a mediator of the effects of these variables on the intention to drop out of school. The findings highlight the need to acknowledge assessments as a school stress factor that could contribute to health problems and intentions to drop out of school.
Keywords: Academic achievement, intention to leave school, school burnout, school demands, test anxiety.
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