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Eurasian Society of Educational Research
Christiaan Huygensstraat 44, Zipcode:7533XB, Enschede, THE NETHERLANDS
Research Article

Principal Leadership and Teacher Professional Development in a Vietnamese High School for Gifted Students: Perspectives into Practice

Ngoc Hai Tran , Xuan Van Ha , Vinh Anh Le , An Nhu Nguyen , Kien The Pham

Teacher professional development (TPD) is an important component of enhancing student learning and school education quality. Vietnamese Ministry of Ed.


Teacher professional development (TPD) is an important component of enhancing student learning and school education quality. Vietnamese Ministry of Education and Training is reforming education, including curricula, teaching methods, and textbooks. Many requirements have to been done to effectively implement the reform, and TPD is considered a significant contribution. Using data from an in-depth interview with the principal, teacher questionnaires, and school policy-related documents, this qualitative case-study research in a selected high school for gifted students in Central Vietnam aimed to find out how TPD had been implemented in response to education reforms in Vietnamese high schools. TPD was widely perceived and respected by the principal and teachers in this case study, and these positive perspectives were transferred into practice with numerous effectively employed TPD strategies at this high school for students’ enhanced learning and achievements.

Keywords: Education reforms, principal leadership, teacher professional development, Vietnamese high school.

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