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Eurasian Society of Educational Research
Christiaan Huygensstraat 44, Zipcode:7533XB, Enschede, THE NETHERLANDS
Theoretical Article

Professional Competences in the Context of Inclusive Education: A Model Design

Zhamilya T. Makhambetova , Akmaral S. Magauova

The most crucial factor influencing inclusive education is the preparation of educators for their professional activities. The aim of this study was t.

  • Pub. date: January 15, 2023
  • Pages: 201-211
  • 2 Citations


The most crucial factor influencing inclusive education is the preparation of educators for their professional activities. The aim of this study was to create and present a model for developing the professional competences of pre-service social educators in the context of inclusive education. The model reflected its main components: aim, objectives, methodological approaches, principles, technologies, study conditions, forms of training and stages of implementation (preliminary, main and final). The model introduced for professional activity in the conditions of inclusive education in the university's study process has the following characteristics: expediency, integrity, internal unity and consistency. The distinctiveness of the presented model lies in the possible application of taught subjects, such as the Inclusion in the Educational Environment module developed by the authors, educational internships and research work of students (RWS). Furthermore, the model is functional, based on a systemic and student-centred approaches and the principle of continuity of learning, i.e., lifelong learning (LLL).

Keywords: Inclusive education, modelling, pre-service social educators, professional competences.

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