Project-Based Learning as a Catalyst for Fostering Metacognitive Skills in Preservice Science Teachers
Wisarut Payoungkiattikun
Chulida Hemtasin
Angkhan Intanin
Tawan Thongsuk
This study examines the impact of Project-Based Learning (PjBL) on developing metacognitive skills among preservice science teachers (PSTs) in Northea.
- Pub. date: April 15, 2025
- Online Pub. date: March 06, 2025
- Pages: 453-470
- 0 Citations
This study examines the impact of Project-Based Learning (PjBL) on developing metacognitive skills among preservice science teachers (PSTs) in Northeast Thailand. A sample of 143 PSTs, including first-year students in General Biology 1, second-year students in General Physics 1, and third-year students in Basic Organic Chemistry, participated in an 18-week programme. The study aimed to assess changes in metacognitive skills before and after PjBL implementation, evaluate differences among academic years, and identify predictors of skill development. The methodology included a six-hour orientation workshop and a collaborative, project-based curriculum. Descriptive and inferential statistics were employed, with the item-objective congruence index (IOC) for content validity, paired samples t-tests for pre- and post-intervention comparisons, and Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) to examine differences across academic years. Multiple regression analysis was used to identify significant predictors of metacognitive skill development. Results showed significant improvements in metacognitive skills post-PjBL, with substantial enhancements across all subjects. ANOVA indicated significant differences among academic years, with third-year students demonstrating the highest metacognitive skill levels. Multiple regression analysis identified participation in PjBL and academic level as significant predictors of metacognitive skill development. These findings highlight the effectiveness of PjBL in enhancing metacognitive skills and underscore the importance of active learning and reflective practices in teacher education programmes. This study provides valuable insights into the impact of PjBL on PSTs' professional growth and instructional efficacy, preparing them for modern classroom challenges.
Keywords: Metacognition, metacognitive skills, preservice science teachers, project-based learning.
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