Projection in Education: Conditions for the Sustainable Development of Vietnamese Education
Do Dinh-Thai , Giang Thien-Vu , Huynh Van-Son , Nguyen Thanh-Huan , Nguyen Vinh-Khuong
Projection in education is one of the important bases for the implementation of the sustainable and crucial strategies to ensure the development of na.
- Pub. date: January 15, 2020
- Pages: 179-185
- 5 Citations
Projection in education is one of the important bases for the implementation of the sustainable and crucial strategies to ensure the development of national education, including Vietnam. As a country in Southeast Asia with the distinctive characteristics of culture and history, Vietnam has the certain advantages and disadvantages in the development of education. In this study, the projection of Vietnamese students of each school level in the period of 2015 – 2035, was referred in comparison with the projection of the teacher resource in all school levels as one of the conditions for the basic educational development in Vietnam. The study was conducted using an integrated projection in education’s formula, combined with a census (birth rate - for students; the number of teachers from Department of Education and Training’s reports, the pedagogy students prepare for graduation - for teachers) from 32 provinces and cities of Vietnam and analyzed on the rate of population change over the years. The results showed that the shortage of the teacher resource (especially the preschool teachers) and the erratic increase in the number of the children born in the good years according to the Eastern concept were the anxious issues when developing Vietnamese education and integrating into the global development trend.
projection in education educational development condition sustainable development vietnamese education
Keywords: Projection in education, educational development condition, sustainable development, Vietnamese education.
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