Publishing a Research: Shared Experiences of Preservice Teachers as Novice Researchers in Research Journals
Bryan V. Catama
Kenneth C. Garcia
Harold B. Balinhawang
Kaye Genamari P. Bobadilla
Joseph Samuel T. Chiok
Jackielyn P. Diwata
Jeff Jerico F. Ferrer
Kimberly B. Gacelan
John Miguel D. Carreon
Publishing research is crucial and is of utmost significance. However, it is a daunting task for most researchers, especially if one is a beginner wit.
Publishing research is crucial and is of utmost significance. However, it is a daunting task for most researchers, especially if one is a beginner with very limited experience. The generalizability of much of the previously published research was limited to the negative aspects of the publishing process rather than the whole circumstances they had to face. Therefore, this article sought to explore the experiences of preservice teachers as novice researchers in publishing their research outputs in a research journal. This study employed a qualitative-phenomenological approach. Five major themes emerged from the interview with eight purposively selected former preservice teachers who had first-time encounters in publishing that the research investigates. These themes were encapsulated through the acronym “FLAME,” namely: (a) facing personal circumstances, (b) leveraging positive dispositions, (c) acknowledging dependency on research promoter, (d) meeting publishing standards, and (e) encountering poor physical and mental well-being. This article concludes that the journal publishing process is a multidimensional and enriching experience, providing the full spectrum of positive and negative experiences for novice researchers. This paper highlighted some implications that can be used as a guide to support novice researchers in the publication process.
Keywords: Research experiences, research journal, research publication, undergraduate researchers.
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