Realistic Mathematics Education's Effect on Students' Performance and Attitudes: A Case of Ellipse Topics Learning
Duong Huu Tong
Tien-Trung Nguyen
Bui Phuong Uyen
Lu Kim Ngan
Lam Truong Khanh
Phan Thi Tinh
Realistic Mathematics Education (RME) has gained popularity worldwide to teach mathematics using real-world problems. This study investigates the effe.
- Pub. date: January 15, 2022
- Pages: 403-421
- 8 Citations
- #Equation of an ellipse
- # learning outcomes
- # Realistic Mathematics Education
- # real-world problems
- # student feedback.
Realistic Mathematics Education (RME) has gained popularity worldwide to teach mathematics using real-world problems. This study investigates the effectiveness of elliptic topics taught to 10th graders in a Vietnamese high school and students' attitudes toward learning. The RME model was used to guide 45 students in an experimental class, while the conventional model was applied to instruct 42 students in the control class. Data collection methods included observation, pre-test, post-test, and a student opinion survey. The experimental results confirm the test results, and the experimental class's learning outcomes were significantly higher than that of the control class's students. Besides, student participation in learning activities and attitudes toward learning were significantly higher in the RME model class than in the control class. Students will construct their mathematical knowledge based on real-life situations. The organization of teaching according to RME is not only a new method of teaching but innovation in thinking about teaching mathematics.
equation of an ellipse learning outcomes realistic mathematics education real world problems student feedback
Keywords: Equation of an ellipse, learning outcomes, Realistic Mathematics Education, real-world problems, student feedback.
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