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Eurasian Society of Educational Research
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Research Article

Related Factors in Undergraduate Students' Motivation towards Social Entrepreneurship in Malaysia

Norsamsinar Samsudin , Mohamad Rohieszan Ramdan , Ahmad Zainal Abidin Abd Razak , Norhidayah Mohamad , Kamarul Bahari Yaakub , Nurul Ashykin Abd Aziz , Mohd Hizam Hanafiah

Education based on social entrepreneurship (SE) practices is of importance at this time to shape the personality of students who are more responsible .


Education based on social entrepreneurship (SE) practices is of importance at this time to shape the personality of students who are more responsible towards the surrounding environment. This SE requires high motivation from students to ensure success in education based on social entrepreneurship can be achieved. However, the factors that support the motivation for social entrepreneurship are still poorly identified, particularly in the setting of undergraduate students in Malaysia. Data were collected from 15 selected Malaysian universities involving undergraduate students who are actively involved in the Enactus program. A set of questionnaires was administered to 294 respondents online. The data analysis involved confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) to measure the construct validity of the measurement model, and covariance-based structural equation modelling (CB-SEM) to establish the relationship between the independent variables and dependent variables. The results revealed self-efficacy and entrepreneurship education provide a relationship in motivation toward social entrepreneurship by undergraduate students. However, social support does not relate to motivation toward social entrepreneurship. Overall, this study adds to the notion of factors that influence social entrepreneurship motivation by supplementing the literature in the areas of educational management and entrepreneurship. In practice, this study contributes significantly to the formation of government policies to further strengthen the motivation of social entrepreneurship that can enhance the community economy and local communities.

Keywords: Entrepreneurship education, motivation toward social entrepreneurship, self-efficacy, social support, undergraduate students.

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