Research Self-Efficacy and Productivity of Select Faculty Members: Inferences for Faculty Development Plan
Faculty members’ beliefs in their ability to conduct research and publish research outputs are expected to impact research productivity directly.
- Pub. date: October 15, 2024
- Online Pub. date: June 28, 2024
- Pages: 1693-1709
- 2 Citations
- #Faculty-researcher
- # higher education
- # internationalization
- # publish or perish
- # research university.
Faculty members’ beliefs in their ability to conduct research and publish research outputs are expected to impact research productivity directly. Thus, the study described the research self-efficacy and productivity among faculty members, their research self-efficacy influence on productivity, and their challenges in research writing and publication. The study utilized a mixed-method sequential explanatory research design, with 36 and nine faculty member-participants for the quantitative and qualitative study. For the quantitative study, the faculty members’ research self-efficacy was ascertained using a validated questionnaire, and their research productivity was determined through a researcher-made survey instrument. Meanwhile, the qualitative study focused on the faculty members’ research writing and publication challenges, which were gathered through focus group discussions. Results showed average research self-efficacy and low research productivity among faculty members. Research self-efficacy significantly predicted research productivity regarding refereed and indexed publications, paper presentations, and bibliometrics. Further, themed findings showed that the faculty members encountered challenges such as a lack of research exposure, time constraints, lack of institutional support, and publication pressure. The study may serve as an inference for higher education institutions in designing faculty development plans and in-service training programs to capacitate its members.
faculty researcher higher education internationalization publish or perish research university
Keywords: Faculty-researcher, higher education, internationalization, publish or perish, research university.
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