Scientific Experiments in Moroccan High Schools Life Science Courses: Constraints and Solutions
Sophia Bouzit
Anouar Alami
Sabah Selmaoui
Youness Rakibi
The teaching of experimental sciences in high school contributes to the development of a set of cognitive, methodological, and psychomotor skills amon.
The teaching of experimental sciences in high school contributes to the development of a set of cognitive, methodological, and psychomotor skills among learners. Combining, both theoretical and practical aspects, it involves an important use of scientific experiments in the process of knowledge construction. With the help of appropriate tools that include interviews and observation of teaching practices, data related to the constraints encountered in the implementation of scientific experiments in the high school life sciences classroom was collected as well as proposals of solutions to overcome these constraints. The results show the existence of a set of constraints that oppose the realization of experiments in class. These constraints are not only limited to insufficient or deficient external factors but also to the teachers' relationship to knowledge which influences their choice of teaching activities within a predefined curriculum.
Keywords: Scientific experiment, life science, constraints, solutions.
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