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Eurasian Society of Educational Research
Eurasian Society of Educational Research
Christiaan Huygensstraat 44, Zipcode:7533XB, Enschede, THE NETHERLANDS
Eurasian Society of Educational Research
Christiaan Huygensstraat 44, Zipcode:7533XB, Enschede, THE NETHERLANDS

' clinical supervision' Search Results


In this research, the purpose is to investigate the practice of teacher candidate procedure and engage in a discourse on the teacher candidates’ views on the practice. The qualitative method has been used in order to analyze teacher candidates’ views on the subject. The subjects of the study comprise 57 teacher candidates currently working in Bayburt. Semi-structured interview forms consisting of questions about the way the teacher candidate education is implemented and questions that refer to their thoughts about the practice were used as data gathering instrument. In this research, content analysis technique has been used for the analysis of the data collected through the interviews. The codes reached through the answers from the informants and their frequencies have been given. The codes with high frequencies have been supported with excerpts from teacher candidates. As a result of the study, it has been found out that most of these teachers who were involved in teacher candidate training consider it ‘a waste of time'. With flexibilities allowed and without proper planning, the practice of the procedure is found to have prevented achievement of the goal. Furthermore, the practice of contract adjunct teaching has also brought about some contradictions.

description Abstract
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Pages: 407-419
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visibility 1406
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This research explores how and what strategy is applied for preparing sustainable English teachers' professional development. This study utilizes lesson study strategy-based clinical supervision and quality assurance. Lesson study is a kind of action research based on a cycle base. This study is also recognized as research and development. Based on conceptual and empirical study, it is found that three grand principles of adding quality lesson study implication. Those are cycle reflection in accelerating the teachers’ competencies in English language teaching, clinical supervision nuance, a quality assurance principle by implementing the plan, do, check, and act strategy. This research successfully finds a model for preparing a prospective and sustainable professional teachers development based on lesson study, blended with the clinical supervision and a quality assurance implementation. The outputs consist of connection among professional English teachers; accelerating realization learning and teaching quality based on reflection implication; forming the open attitude and reflecting discussion and depth analysis; building a self-responsibility and awareness as professional teacher attitude; helping one each other in the professional teacher community for accelerating teaching quality by utilizing clinical supervision. Finally, the outcome is obtaining candidates of English professional teachers, prospectively and sustainably, with high-quality EFL teaching performance in national competitiveness.

description Abstract
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Pages: 1449-1470
cloud_download 412
visibility 1285
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Reflective learning in community-based education (CBE) activities requires the role of a supervisor. The ‘intensive supervision’ based on Kolb's experiential learning can provide guidance for facilitating reflection on CBE experiences through discussion. Accordingly, supervisors must receive training on providing constructive feedback sessions to assist students in reflecting. This study aimed to determine the effect of training on facilitating reflection using experiential learning methods based on the concept of 'intensive supervision' for CBE supervisors. The study design used a training program evaluation with the Kirkpatrick model of levels 1 and 2. The training on facilitating reflection was divided into workshops and mentoring sessions based on the experiential learning cycle. The questionnaire was developed to assess tutoring performance before and after the training based on the perceptions of supervisors (n=10) and students (n=43) and observers' observations during the supervisor tutoring. Descriptive and comparative data analyses were employed. The trainees showed positive reactions to the training. The students’ and supervisors’ perception questionnaires showed a significant difference in the performance of the supervisors who were assessed before and after training. Our results indicated that most of the supervisors’ ability to facilitate reflection changed following the ‘intensive supervision' method. This training helps supervisors learn how to become facilitators and students to feel more assisted in the learning process.

description Abstract
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Pages: 695-704
cloud_download 463
visibility 1061
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