'centres of competence' Search Results
Comparing Public-Private Partnership of Vocational Education and Training Schools and Centres of Competence in Kosovo
centres of competence labour market professional schools vocational education training...
Kosovo's education system has two different vocational education and training schools: professional schools and centres of competence. The local authorities-municipal directorates of education manage the professional schools, while the centres of competence are managed at the national level by agency for vocational education and training and adult education (AVETAE), operating under the Ministry of Education. This paper compares the collaboration between public schools, centres of competence, and private businesses. For this research, we used the mixed research methodology by interviewing coordinators of career centres from two professional schools and two centres of competence, and four managers of different firms. The research included a questionnaire filled by teachers from both institutions, prepared using the Likert scale. We analysed the data from this research to identify the differences in how those institutions develop partnerships with private businesses to secure better internship opportunities for their students. The study will provide data about the sustainability of cooperation between these two institutions in the creation of employment opportunities for their graduates. The outcomes will help professional schools and centres of competence to improve their cooperation with the labour market. It will help the career centre coordinators and business owners to create new job opportunities for development.
Developing Mobile Learning Application Containing Basic Pedagogy Material as the Supplement in Improving College Students’ Learning Outcome in Teacher Training Institutes of Indonesia
learning outcomes material pedagogy mobile learning...
The vast technological development affects every layer of people’s daily life, including Education. However, Indonesia’s tertiary education status quo has not exhibited any rapid development in information technology-based learning media. This study aimed to develop and identify the effectiveness of Basic Pedagogy Material online learning material in improving students’ outcomes in pedagogy. It applied R & D design with a waterfall development model on second-semester students in Universitas Negeri Semarang, Indonesia, during the educational year of 2020/2021. The data collected through interviews, observation, questionnaire, scale, and test were analyzed using independent t-test and n-gain. The findings indicated a significant difference between the average score before and after students used the Basic Pedagogy Materials mobile learning application during the learning process. Therefore, the mobile learning application developed effectively improves students' learning outcomes in pedagogy subjects effectively.
Knowledge and Use of Social Networks in University Students from Mexico and Spain
comparative study higher education ict university students social networks...
It is unclear how social networks can be utilized in educational settings. An exploratory study was conducted to examine the differences between university students in Mexico and Spain in terms of their perceptions of knowledge and utilization of networks in the university environment. An overall sample of 378 students was collected from two public universities, one in Mexico and one in Spain. This study utilized descriptive statistics as part of a contingency analysis, X2 with correction was used for the analysis of differences, Mann-Whitney U for the analysis of independence, Mantel-Haenszel test for association degree, Cramer's V for strength of association, Spearman's correlation coefficient for correlations. According to the results, the use of social networks is clearly related to country of origin, but not to gender. It seems that Instagram is a platform widely used by both Mexican and Spanish students, but it is not used in educational environments. Therefore, the use of social networks in higher education contexts differs by country, as does the knowledge of social bookmarking and the distribution of content to share information and resources.