Social Inclusion of German Students who Complete an Academic Stay Abroad
More and more student trajectories involve an academic stay abroad. To achieve the intercultural, personal or linguistic objectives associated with su.
- Pub. date: April 15, 2021
- Pages: 945-955
- 2 Citations
- #Academic stay abroad
- # international student mobility
- # social inequality
- # social inclusion
- # Bourdieu.
More and more student trajectories involve an academic stay abroad. To achieve the intercultural, personal or linguistic objectives associated with such placements, social inclusion with peers and faculty in the place of study is needed. This paper applies Bourdieu’s theory of capital as a conceptual framework to examine the experiences of students who have competed a placement abroad, in particular students from educationally disadvantaged families, students with disabilities, and migrant students. Longitudinal data were taken from the German National Education Panel Study (NEPS) with N=8.469 students. The findings show the interrelatedness of social inclusion and a placement abroad: students who experience high social inclusion with peers and faculty at the beginning of their studies are more likely to study abroad. Social capital with faculty increases after such a placement, in particular for at-risk student groups, while no difference in the increase in social inclusion is observed between student groups. The findings imply a need for early interventions as some of the effects already take place in the first semester.
academic stay abroad international student mobility social inequality social inclusion bourdieu
Keywords: Academic stay abroad, international student mobility, social inequality, social inclusion, Bourdieu.
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