Social Studies Teachers’ Perspectives on the Advantages and Challenges of Interactive Whiteboard Application in Oman
The study investigates the views of social studies teachers (SSTs) about the advantages and challenges of interactive whiteboard application in social.
The study investigates the views of social studies teachers (SSTs) about the advantages and challenges of interactive whiteboard application in social studies lessons. Data was gathered using a questionnaire consisting of 58 items. The sample comprised 483 male and female SSTs from different governorates of Oman who were provided with three training programs about using Interactive Whiteboard (IWB). Data were analyzed by using: Means, T-test and One Way ANOVA. The results indicated that they considered its effect to be significant in supporting students’ learning process by enhancing the quality of learning environment, excitement of use and importance of use in social studies lessons. It also showed that they used it widely in their lessons but they experienced moderate challenges, including related to technical support and the availability of IWB in all classes. The results also indicated that teachers’ gender and experience influenced their views. The study recommends the provision of more technical support to teachers.
Keywords: Interactive whiteboard, social studies teachers, Oman, advantages, challenges
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