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Eurasian Society of Educational Research
Christiaan Huygensstraat 44, Zipcode:7533XB, Enschede, THE NETHERLANDS
Research Article

Teacher-Student Performance Criteria During Online Classes due to COVID-19: Self-Report by Postgraduate Students in Education

Aldo Bazán-Ramírez , Rolando Quispe-Morales , Carlos De La Cruz-Valdiviano , Carmela Henostroza-Mota

During didactic interactions, teachers and students employ competencies and skills that correspond functionally to one another, and several models pro.


During didactic interactions, teachers and students employ competencies and skills that correspond functionally to one another, and several models propose to typify didactic performances in higher education. For this study, we chose the didactic performance interbehavioral model as the substantive theory to identify six pairs of didactic performance criteria through self-evaluations from graduate students. These included: Competency exploration–precurrent learning behaviors, Criteria explicitness–Criteria identification, Illustration–Participation, Practice supervision–Relevant practice, Feedback–Improvement, and Evaluation–Application.309 Peruvian students from an in-person postgraduate course in Education Sciences filled out two scales (via Google Forms) to assess teacher-student performance criteria during online classes. Convergent and divergent validity were obtained separately for six teacher/student performance constructs through a confirmatory analysis using LISREL 8. Moreover, differences according to sex were only significant for the Illustration teacher criterion (favoring men) and the Application student criterion (favoring women). Students rated Explicitness of criteria and Illustration as the teacher performance criteria most frequently seen during online classes. On the other hand, Criteria identification ranked the highest in terms of the students’ performance criteria, followed by Feedback–Improvement. Another conclusion was that the didactic performance interbehavioral model could be empirically supported by the two self-assessment questionnaires, which yielded good convergent and divergent validity of constructs.

Keywords: Didactic, pandemic, performance, school lockdown, teaching.

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