Teachers´ Reflective Experience Through Classroom Video Observation
During the pandemic, online classes were held around the world, which facilitated access to observe teaching practices. This is a relevant experience,.
- Pub. date: October 15, 2023
- Pages: 1755-1766
- 0 Citations
During the pandemic, online classes were held around the world, which facilitated access to observe teaching practices. This is a relevant experience, since there are few reflective instances in schools, even though public education policy emphasizes reflective practice in the professional development of teachers. In this regard, the observation of videos shows high reflective potential, helping to problematize and analyze teaching. This research sought to describe the functions and experience of classroom video observation with a reflective approach of teachers from four educational schools in the city of Concepción, Chile. The approach was interpretative, an instrumental case study design, with nine participants, selected by a maximum variation sampling and safeguarding ethical criteria. In-depth interviews were conducted and subjected to content analysis. The results showed three functions of the video observation, one instrumental and two others of reflective approach. In addition, the video observation was recognized as a reflective experience that facilitates the reconsidering of teaching performance, renewing practices, and developing reflective habits; also, facilitating and hindering elements were found in the video observation. It is concluded that the functions and experience of video observation could improve and professionalize teaching, based on the awareness and understanding of practice.
practical knowledge professional development reflective practice teacher video observation
Keywords: practical knowledge, professional development, reflective practice, teacher, video observation.
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