This study offers an opportunity for learning the characteristics of elementary school students' dream books that can increase their willingness t.
This study offers an opportunity for learning the characteristics of elementary school students' dream books that can increase their willingness to read. In the study, for which the qualitative research method was adopted in line with this main purpose, 275 elementary school students that attended different schools at 2nd, 3rd and 4th grades were asked to describe in writing the characteristics of the book of their dreams that increases their willingness to read. The data obtained were subjected to content analysis, and the characteristics of students' dream books were categorized into "general characteristics", "physical characteristics", "themes", "protagonists" and "expectations". The study findings indicate that the book preferences of students are influenced by the changes taking place in our time. It was found out that the books of students' dreams had also characteristics of e-books as well as printed books.
Keywords: Elementary school student, reading, book characteristics, book of dreams
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