The Degree of Application of Language Activities in Autistic Children and Their Relationship in Improving Verbal Expression Skills in Special Education Centers in Jordan
The study sought to determine the degree to which autistic children used language activities and their relevance to increasing verbal expression abili.
The study sought to determine the degree to which autistic children used language activities and their relevance to increasing verbal expression abilities in Jordanian special education institutions. The descriptive-analytical technique was used in the investigation. The two dimensions were utilized to represent the instrument through a set of 27 statements. The participants included 200 instructors from special education centers in Amman, Jordan's capital. The study's findings revealed a high level of application of linguistic activities among autistic children in Jordanian special education programs. Their ability to express themselves verbally improved significantly as well. The findings also revealed a statistically significant positive link between the extents to which autistic children applied language exercises and the improvement of verbal expression abilities in special education institutions.
Keywords: Autistic children, language activities, special education centers, verbal expression skills.
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