The Effect of Embedding Phonological Awareness Training on Adult EFL Learners’ Phonological Awareness Skill
Daning Hentasmaka
Bambang Yudi Cahyono
Yazid Basthomi
Yunita Puspitasari
Phonological awareness relates closely to listening and speaking skills. It also has an important role in learning to read in an alphabetic writing sy.
Phonological awareness relates closely to listening and speaking skills. It also has an important role in learning to read in an alphabetic writing system. In the context of learning a new language, it is essential to figure out an appropriate strategy in accelerating the phonological awareness skill. The present study aims at investigating the effect of embedding phonological awareness training in adult English as a foreign language (EFL) learners’ phonological awareness skill. It involved 63 EFL students who were divided into two groups: Experimental and control. The data were taken by using a phonological awareness test and analyzed by using independent samples t-test. The overall comparison showed that the experimental group who received an embedded phonological awareness training for 4.5 hours (45 minutes of six meetings) surpassed the control group who joined a regular vocabulary class without phonological awareness training (p = .017). Thus, phonological awareness training effectively accelerates adult EFL learners’ phonological awareness skills.
Keywords: EFL learners, embedded phonological awareness training, phonological awareness skill.
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