The Effect of Principals’ Leadership towards Effective Learning at an Indonesian Secondary School
Ristapawa Indra , Martin Kustati , Antomi Saregar , Warnis , Nelmawarni , Yunisrina Qismullah Yusuf
The study aims to investigate the evaluation model of professional leadership and the characteristics of successful principals at an Indonesian second.
- Pub. date: July 15, 2020
- Pages: 1063-1074
- 4 Citations
The study aims to investigate the evaluation model of professional leadership and the characteristics of successful principals at an Indonesian secondary school. It is to further realize the effective learning and to produce instruments that meet the validity and reliability tests. It also aims to discover the correlation and the significance of the independent variables on the dependent variables, and the percentage of influence on the indicators in shaping the model of principals’ leadership. Quantitative data were obtained by distributing questionnaires to 100 students. The number of respondents was determined using a simple random sampling technique. The research findings showed that there was a significant correlation among the principals’ leadership, characters, and effective learning. It indicated that leadership evaluation influenced the school leadership and the principals’ characters on effective learning. The results of the measurement on formative relationships showed that the indicators of behaviour and actions of school principals who manage the teachers to conduct learning activity seriously in the classroom became a determining factor in shaping the effective learning paradigm in secondary schools.
Keywords: Leadership, effective learning, principals, leadership
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