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Eurasian Society of Educational Research
Christiaan Huygensstraat 44, Zipcode:7533XB, Enschede, THE NETHERLANDS
Research Article

The Effect of Project Based Assessment with Value Clarification Technique in Improving Students’ Civics Learning Outcomes by Controlling the Family Environment

I Wayan Widiana , I Wayan Kertih , Maria Goreti Rini Kristiantari , Desak Putu Parmiti , Made Aryawan Adijaya

The decline in student character is the result of low student learning outcomes. The common student learning outcomes are influenced by several factor.

  • Pub. date: October 15, 2022
  • Pages: 1969-1979
  • 2 Citations


The decline in student character is the result of low student learning outcomes. The common student learning outcomes are influenced by several factors, and one of them is teacher-centered, monotonous learning model. For this reason, it is deemed necessary to conduct research that aims to determine the effect of project-based assessment on values clarification technique (VCT) learning on improving students’ learning outcomes by controlling the family environment. This study uses a 2x2 factorial experimental design. The sample was selected through multistage random sampling with 120 students. The two-way ANCOVA data analysis technique was used to analyze the data. The findings obtained after controlling the family environment are: 1) civics learning outcomes from the group of students who used value clarification techniques are higher than those using conventional learning models and 2) civics learning outcomes from the group of students who were given project-based assessments are higher than the group who are given conventional assessments. Thus, it can be recommended that civics education teachers used appropriate VCT and project-based assessments to improve learning outcomes.

Keywords: Family environment, project based assessment, learning outcomes, VCT learning.

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