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Eurasian Society of Educational Research
Christiaan Huygensstraat 44, Zipcode:7533XB, Enschede, THE NETHERLANDS
Research Article

The Effect of the Collaborative Discussion Strategy Think-Pair-Share on Developing Students' Skills in solving Engineering Mathematical Problems

Mohareb. A. Alsmadi , Ahmad A.S. Tabieh , Rula M. Alsaifi , Sabah Jamil Al-Nawaiseh

The Think-Pair-Share (TPS) strategy makes the learning environment interactive, lively, collaborative and democratic. It allows students to interact; .


The Think-Pair-Share (TPS) strategy makes the learning environment interactive, lively, collaborative and democratic. It allows students to interact; accept information; develop collaborative discussion skills; refine their thinking; and participate effectively in the classroom. In this study, the researchers investigated the effect of the collaborative discussion strategy (think-pair-share) on developing students' skills in solving engineering mathematical problems. Once we had confirmed the validity and reliability of the tools, we used the quasi-experimental approach. The study sample consisted of 66 students divided into two groups: Namely, an experimental group, which comprised 33 students who studied mathematics using the (think-pair-share) strategy; and a control group, which comprised 33 students who studied in the traditional way. Both groups sat for a pretest and post-test in mathematics. The test results showed that the use of the TPS strategy had a positive effect on developing problem-solving skills compared to the traditional method. In light of these results, the study recommended the use of TPS strategy to improve the skills of students in solving engineering mathematical problems.

Keywords: Collaborative discussion, engineering education, mathematics education, problem-solving skills, think-pair-share strategy.

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