The Effective Diffusion of Educational Robotics in Rural Areas: A Case Study in the Sakha Republic of Russia
The purpose of this study was to find the determinants of effective diffusion of educational robotics in rural areas. The study analysed the key compo.
The purpose of this study was to find the determinants of effective diffusion of educational robotics in rural areas. The study analysed the key components, difficulties, and major lessons of the successful case of the remote northern region of Russia – Sakha Republic. The study used a mixed-method approach consisting of interviews, survey, literature analysis, and participants’ observation. In the survey participated 57 robotics teachers and 113 elementary, middle, and high school students of the Sakha Republic. From survey participants were randomly chosen 30 robotics teachers and 18 middle and high school students for the interview. The literature analysis explored reports and articles on the educational robotics activities in the Sakha Republic for the period of 2011-2018. Based on the findings, the study developed a process model with five principles and ten components that influenced educational robotics diffusion in the Sakha Republic. One of the main determinants of the model was a support system of public-private partnerships and a local community of educators. Another was the need to consider the local area’s constraints, possibilities, and culture when implementing any technology in the rural region's education. In the researched case two major determinants would not be possible and sustainable without strong leadership. The findings showed that strong local leadership could use knowledge of the local area to provide more appropriate solutions and could build the active support of the local community and public-private partnerships that would accelerate the diffusion of technology in the rural region's education.
Keywords: Educational robotics, innovation diffusion, rural education, ICT4D.
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