The Effects of the ECIRR Learning Model on Mathematical Reasoning Ability in the Curriculum Perspective 2013: Integration on Student Learning Motivation
Agus Pahrudin
Nur Ahid
Syamsul Huda
Nita Ardianti
Fredi Ganda Putra
Bambang Sri Anggoro
Watcharin Joemsittiprasert
This study aims to determine the impact of the ECIRR(Elicit, Confront, Identify, Resolve, Reinforce) learning model on students' mathematical reas.
This study aims to determine the impact of the ECIRR(Elicit, Confront, Identify, Resolve, Reinforce) learning model on students' mathematical reasoning abilities in terms of student motivation. The research method used was a quasy-experimental method with a post-test only control design research design. The population of this study was all students in five classes XII Private School. The Samples were taken at class XII AP-2 and XII MM-1 as the experimental class, and class XII AP-1 and XII MM-2 as the control class. The data analysis technique used is hypothesis testing using ANAVA 2 paths. Based on the research results obtained that (a) There is an influence of the ECIRR (Elicit, Confront, Identify, Resolve, Reinforce) learning model on mathematical reasoning abilities. (b) There is an influence of student learning motivation on mathematical reasoning abilities. (c) There is no interaction between the treatment of learning models and categories of students' learning motivation towards mathematical reasoning abilities. So as a whole it can be concluded that the ECIRR (Elicit, Confront, Identify, Resolve, Reinforce) learning model influences the ability of mathematical reasoning and can increase students' learning motivation.
Keywords: ECIRR, mathematical reasoning ability, student learning motivation.
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