The Evolution of Research on School Attendance: A Bibliometric Review of Scholarly Output
Javier Martínez-Torres
Carolina Gonzálvez
Aitana Fernández-Sogorb
José Manuel García-Fernández
School attendance problems are of great research interest, which is reflected in the increase of scientific publications. This increase hinders the ad.
- Pub. date: April 15, 2024
- Pages: 851-864
- 4 Citations
- #Bibliometrics
- # school absenteeism
- # school attendance
- # school attendance problems
- # school refusal.
School attendance problems are of great research interest, which is reflected in the increase of scientific publications. This increase hinders the adequate follow-up and updating of the scientific community on the subject. The aim of the present bibliometric study lies in the review of the scientific literature published on school attendance problems during 2014-2021. A bibliographic search and analysis of scientific articles was performed, obtaining a definitive sample of 700 documents. Results were extracted and analyzed for the following indicators: temporal productivity, productivity by authors, co-authorship index, productivity by journals, use of topics, research areas addressed and types of samples used. The number of publications indicates a progressive increase of interest on the subject, which has not corresponded to the creation of a specific journal on the subject. There is also evidence of the need for consensus on the topics to be used; the preference for knowing the factors associated with school attendance problems over other areas of research; and the generalized use of community samples as opposed to more specific ones. In conclusion, the characteristics researched on school attendance problems are presented; knowledge that will facilitate the establishment of intervention processes applicable to different contexts and realities.
bibliometrics school absenteeism school attendance school attendance problems school refusal
Keywords: Bibliometrics, school absenteeism, school attendance, school attendance problems, school refusal.
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