The Impact of Demographic Information on EFL Teachers’ Responses to ELT Pedagogical Reforms
Several reforms have been introduced to help enhance Vietnamese people’s English competencies. However, research on what reforms Vietnamese teac.
Several reforms have been introduced to help enhance Vietnamese people’s English competencies. However, research on what reforms Vietnamese teachers support or resist is limited. Also, the impact of teachers’ demographic information on their responses to reforms is underrepresented. This mixed-methods study used a questionnaire, responded by 102 English as a foreign language (EFL) teachers, and six semi-structured interviews to address the gap. The results revealed that the teachers supported the reforms in their teaching context. They preferred using their self-developed or self-adapted materials to using required materials. On the other hand, using the VSTEP framework for designing tests was not supported. Teachers’ demographic information, especially educational qualification, significantly differed one’s responses to reforms from those of another. Some practical implications were discussed at the end of this paper. Also, some recommendations were presented to be considered for further studies.
Keywords: Age, EFL teachers, ELT pedagogical reforms, gender, qualification, workplace.
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