The Impact of The Virtual-Based Disaster Learning Model on Elementary Students' Understanding of COVID-19 Disaster-Learning
Arwin , Ary Kiswanto Kenedi , Yesi Anita , Hamimah , Ramdan Afrian
A virtual-based disaster learning model was created to enhance understanding of COVID-19 disaster mitigation following the characteristics of elementa.
- Pub. date: April 15, 2023
- Pages: 1059-1069
- 2 Citations
A virtual-based disaster learning model was created to enhance understanding of COVID-19 disaster mitigation following the characteristics of elementary school students because the high number of child deaths brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic served as the driving force behind this research. The virtual-based disaster learning model had been deemed valid, but more study is required to ascertain its impact on primary school pupils' comprehension of COVID-19 disaster mitigation. This study sought to determine how the virtual disaster learning model affected elementary school pupils' understanding of COVID-19 disaster mitigation. This study was a quasi-experimental investigation. Non-equivalent control group design was the type of experimental design employed. The t-test showed that students who studied using virtual-based disaster learning models and those who used conventional learning had different average levels of understanding of COVID-19 disaster mitigation. According to the findings, primary school children who learned using virtual disaster learning models had higher scores than students who used conventional methods. This finding revealed that virtual disaster learning models could improve understanding of COVID-19 disaster mitigation. The results of this study's implications can be applied as a different approach to enhancing elementary school kids' comprehension of emergency planning for COVID-19.
Keywords: COVID-19, disaster, disaster mitigation, learning model, virtual.
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