The Implementation of Flipped Learning Model and STEM Approach in Elementary Education: A Systematic Literature Review
Rusnilawati Rusnilawati
Siti Rahaimah Binti Ali
Mazarul Hasan Mohamad Hanapi
Sutama Sutama
Farizky Rahman
This study aimed to explore the implementation and impact of the Flipped Learning Model (FLM) and STEM Approach in elementary education. The advanceme.
This study aimed to explore the implementation and impact of the Flipped Learning Model (FLM) and STEM Approach in elementary education. The advancement of technology and the Covid-19 pandemic has increased the importance of e-learning, including in elementary schools. The literature review analyzed 193 academic works published in the past six years using NVivo, Mendeley, and VOSviewer software. The validity of the data was verified through the analysis of five online databases. The results showed that STEM research has been well-developed with innovative approaches that improve learning outcomes, while FLM research in elementary schools is limited. The study suggested that combining FLM with STEM Approach (FLM-SA) can optimize learning in the technological era. By integrating FLM-SA, students can engage in active learning experiences in class and acquire fundamental knowledge outside of class, offering a solution to e-learning challenges. The study emphasized the strong connection between FLM and STEM Approach and how they can support each other to enhance student learning.
Keywords: elementary education, e-learning, flipped learning, STEM, technology
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