The Implementation of Research-Based Learning Model in the Basic Science Concepts Course in Improving Analytical Thinking Skills
This study aimed to analyze the Research-Based Learning (RBL) model implementation in the natural sciences in improving students’ analytical thi.
- Pub. date: July 15, 2021
- Pages: 1051-1062
- 6 Citations
- #Analytical thinking skills
- # concept of energy
- # mixed-method
- # natural sciences
- # research-based learning.
This study aimed to analyze the Research-Based Learning (RBL) model implementation in the natural sciences in improving students’ analytical thinking skills. This study employed a mixed-method with a sequential exploratory design. Data collection began with qualitative data and then continued with quantitative data. Qualitative data collection techniques used observation and interviews, while quantitative data collection used essay tests. Sampling was carried out before the research implementation. The samples were students of the PGMI IAIN Surakarta Study Program, Indonesia, which consisted of 34 pre-service elementary school teachers. The research was conducted in the odd semester of the 2019/2020 academic year. Quantitative data analysis techniques used a quasi-experimental design with one group pretest-posttest. Based on the results of four observations on the research treatments, the mean was 3.714, in which the values of preliminary activities were 3.625, core activities were 3.714, and closing activities were 3.75, used a rating scale (1-4) with the very good category. The RBL model implementation in the natural sciences in the concept of energy can improve the analytical thinking skills of students, as evidenced by the N-gain value was 56.57%in the medium category. This increase was obtained from the mean of the pretest score (46.84) and the post-test score (76.9), by using a rating scale (0-100). The research findings provide ideas to lecturers and researchers in improving the student's analytical thinking skills through the application of innovative learning models in the topic of the concept of energy.
analytical thinking skills concept of energy mixed method natural sciences research based learning
Keywords: Analytical thinking skills, concept of energy, mixed-method, natural sciences, research-based learning.
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