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Eurasian Society of Educational Research
Christiaan Huygensstraat 44, Zipcode:7533XB, Enschede, THE NETHERLANDS
Research Article

The Place and Effects of Technology in the Visual Arts Course

Ismail Tetikci , Gonca Erim , Busra Bozlak Halaclar

Individuals’ levels of access to contemporary education affect the development level of the societies they live in. Changes and developments in .

  • Pub. date: July 15, 2021
  • Pages: 1089-1100
  • 2 Citations


Individuals’ levels of access to contemporary education affect the development level of the societies they live in. Changes and developments in the field of education are important in this sense. Technological advancements experienced in the general field of education have also affected visual arts education, and different points of view have emerged in this field. In this study, it is aimed to determine the interaction of art education in parallel to the dynamism of the age with technology according to the opinions of visual arts course teachers. For this purpose, the study uses the qualitative research method of case study. The participants of the study consist of a total of 8 visual arts teachers including 5 female and 3 teachers actively working at secondary schools in the academic year of 2019-2020. Observation and semi-structured interview forms are used in the data collection process. By analyzing the obtained findings with the thematic analysis method, the findings are collected under the themes of reflections and usage methods. In line with the results of the study obtained from the data, positive and negative results of using technology as a material in art education are reached. As in all areas of education, the use of technology in the visual arts course is important for its positive effects such as providing ease of learning for the student. While the study has been completed before the COVID-19 pandemic period, the compulsory nature of technology use today has increased the significance of the study.

Keywords: Education material, qualitative research, secondary school, instruction methods.

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