The Primary School Moral Education Plan in Slovenia Ten Years after Its Introduction
Since the 2008/2009 school year, every primary school in Slovenia has had to prepare its own “school moral education plan” and undertake i.
- Pub. date: October 15, 2019
- Pages: 1229-1243
- 2 Citations
- #Primary school moral education plan
- # preventive activities
- # moral education measures
- # school self-evaluation
- # authority.
Since the 2008/2009 school year, every primary school in Slovenia has had to prepare its own “school moral education plan” and undertake its moral education activities on the basis of this plan. Although the basic content areas of the moral education plan are prescribed by law, the openness of the legal provisions allows schools to exercise professional autonomy. After a decade of the implementation of moral education plans we conducted an empirical quantitative-qualitative study aimed at analysing them in terms of content. The objective was to determine the extent to which the plans include and how they define the prescribed content areas, as well as the extent to which they include and how they define additional content areas that are not prescribed by law but could be included by schools depending on their individual particularities and the specific challenges of their environment. Data were collected through publications on the websites of a representative sample of randomly selected schools and analysed with a specially prepared instrument. The research shows that upgrading moral education activities through the school moral education plan would require (1) reconsideration and upgrading of the concept, (2) continuous state support for the self-evaluation of schools specifically in this area, and (3) support for schools to gain a deeper professional understanding of current moral education challenges and of forming moral education strategies that differ with regard to the content differences in the reasons for individual moral education challenges.
primary school moral education plan preventive activities moral education measures school self evaluation authority
Keywords: Primary school moral education plan, preventive activities, moral education measures, school self-evaluation, authority.
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