The Relations between the Organizational Happiness and the Organizational Socialization Perceptions of Teachers: The Sample of Physical Education and Sport
The main purpose of this research is to examine the relationship between levels of organizational happiness and organizational socialization of physic.
The main purpose of this research is to examine the relationship between levels of organizational happiness and organizational socialization of physical education and sport teachers. The research is quantitative and correlational model. The population of the research is composed of 257 physical education and sports teachers working in Siirt province. The entire universe was tried to be reached and 244 physical education and sports teachers were reached at the target stage. Within the scope of the research, 2 measurement tools were used. The Organizational Happiness Scale was developed by Bulut. The ''Organizational Socialization Scale'' was developed by Erdogan. Some of the research results are as follows: Arithmetic mean, standard deviation, correlation and simple regression tests were used in the analysis of the research data. Teachers' organizational happiness levels are high and organizational socialization levels are very high. There is a high level of positive correlation (r =, 67) between the levels of organizational happiness and organizational socialization of teachers. Teachers' organizational happiness is predicting organizational socialization. The model explains organizational socialization by 55%.
physical education and sport teachers organizational happiness organizational socialization
Keywords: Physical education and sport teachers, organizational happiness, organizational socialization
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