The Relationships between Metacognition and Reading Strategies: The Case of English-Majored Students at a Private University in Vietnam
Many studies have pointed out a proportionate relation between metacognition and reading strategies. This study advances such an understanding by argu.
- Pub. date: July 15, 2021
- Pages: 1561-1578
- 3 Citations
- #Bloom’s taxonomy
- # critical reading
- # metacognitive awareness inventory
- # metacognitive awareness
- # reading strategies.
Many studies have pointed out a proportionate relation between metacognition and reading strategies. This study advances such an understanding by arguing that this relation is comprised of several sub-relations. Metacognitive Awareness Inventory and Reading Strategies Inventory were conducted among 92 English as Foreign Language students at a Vietnamese university. This study highlights 3 major findings. First, metacognition processes do not merely mean “cognition about cognition”. Second, while previous studies tended to portray metacognition as a whole, it is argued in this study that it is constituted by two main clusters (knowledge of cognition and regulation of cognition) which can be further specified into eight sub-components. Third, there seem to be some sub-linearities that underpin students’ metacognition and that influence their uses of reading strategies. These findings are hoped to shed light on preserving spaces and autonomy in curriculum/syllabus development for students to exercise their own metacognition.
blooms taxonomy critical reading metacognitive awareness inventory metacognitive awareness reading strategies
Keywords: Bloom’s taxonomy, critical reading, metacognitive awareness inventory, metacognitive awareness, reading strategies.
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