Understanding English Achievement Differences Among Undergraduate Students: Influencing Factors and Comparative Insights
This study examines the factors influencing English language achievement among non-English major undergraduate students in Thailand, with a specific f.
- Pub. date: January 15, 2025
- Online Pub. date: January 08, 2025
- Pages: 267-282
- 0 Citations
This study examines the factors influencing English language achievement among non-English major undergraduate students in Thailand, with a specific focus on the differences between high-achieving and low-achieving learners. Conducted at Rajamangala University of Technology Lanna, this research adopts a mixed-methods approach, combining quantitative data from questionnaires and qualitative insights from semi-structured interviews. Three primary influencing factors were identified: student-related factors (e.g., motivation and self-regulated learning), teacher-related factors (e.g., pedagogical practices and teacher-student interactions), and environmental factors (e.g., availability of learning resources). Student motivation and self-regulation emerged as the strongest predictors of success, while teacher-related factors unexpectedly showed a negative influence, suggesting a misalignment between teaching strategies and student needs. Environmental factors, though positively perceived, had a less direct impact on outcomes. Practical implications include enhancing intrinsic motivation, adopting tailored teaching strategies to meet diverse learner needs, and strengthening teacher-student relationships to support low-achieving students. Policymakers are encouraged to address resource disparities and develop targeted interventions to enhance English language proficiency among students.
Keywords: English language proficiency, factors, learning achievement, undergraduate students.
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