University of Education: Structure and Main Components of Management
Aleksandr A. Fedorov , Ekaterina P. Sedykh , Elena V. Mialkina
The article analyzes the evolution of pedagogical systems and the practice of universities in the world. The work reveals the essence and main structu.
- Pub. date: October 15, 2019
- Pages: 1257-1268
- 5 Citations
The article analyzes the evolution of pedagogical systems and the practice of universities in the world. The work reveals the essence and main structural components of the university education, as a special institution of higher education, designed to become a systemic solution to the problem of management and development of teacher education. The model presented by us includes the following components: education, as a platform for transferring innovative solutions into practice; Mega-Science -a system of research collaborations that provides advanced solutions to global problems; technologies -research constructs according to the Lego principle, generating local problem-solving based on a cluster; implementation -a system of investment decisions on the implementation of developments in the practice of activity; innovation is a system for the formation of products open to use that stimulate the development of education. The paper presents the main results of these developments, conclusions are made about the need to form a university of education as a special system operating within the framework of the concept of open pedagogical education and aimed at creating a federal scientific and educational hub of global importance for reproduction and the formation of human capital in scientific, engineering activities, the generation of new solutions in the field of training and development of teaching staff in.
management pedagogical systems development of teacher education university education education management
Keywords: Management, pedagogical systems, development of teacher education, university education, education management.
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