Validation of Students' Green Behavior Instrument Based on Local Potential Using Structural Equation Modeling With Smart Partial Least Squares
Siti Nurhidayati
Akhmad Sukri
This study aims to develop and validate a green behavior instrument based on local potential using structural equation modeling (SEM) with smart parti.
- Pub. date: January 15, 2025
- Online Pub. date: December 26, 2024
- Pages: 213-228
- 0 Citations
- #Instrument validation
- # green behavior
- # local potential
- # structural equation modeling
- # smart partial least squares.
This study aims to develop and validate a green behavior instrument based on local potential using structural equation modeling (SEM) with smart partial least squares (SmartPLS). The instrument consists of 40 statements covering five main indicators: environmental maintenance, waste reduction, saving natural resources, sustainable mobility and consumption, and community education. This study addresses a gap in existing research by creating a context-specific tool for assessing green behavior, incorporating local cultural and ecological factors. While prior studies emphasize global sustainability principles, they often overlook the significance of local practices and values, which are essential for effective environmental education. By integrating local potential, this instrument bridges global sustainability goals with regional contexts, enabling meaningful and practical student engagement. The instrument was validated through content validity testing, exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses, and construct validity and reliability testing using SEM with SmartPLS. The results indicate strong content validity, with content validity index (CVI) values ranging from .80 to .90. After analysis, 34 valid items were retained from the initial 40. This study contributes to the literature by developing an instrument that aligns with global sustainability goals while integrating local cultural practices and ecological contexts. It offers insights into how local knowledge enhances sustainability education, providing a holistic framework for assessing green behavior across diverse regions.
instrument validation green behavior local potential structural equation modeling smart partial least squares
Keywords: Instrument validation, green behavior, local potential, structural equation modeling, smart partial least squares.
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