Vietnamese Students’ Satisfaction toward Higher Education Service: The Relationship between Education Service Quality and Educational Outcomes
Hong-Van Thi Dinh
Quynh Anh Thi Nguyen
Mai-Huong Thi Phan
Kien The Pham
Tham Nguyen
Hung Thanh Nguyen
Student satisfaction with education service has been considered one of the most critical strategic factors to attract students of higher education ins.
- Pub. date: July 15, 2021
- Pages: 1397-1410
- 12 Citations
- #Educational outcomes
- # education service quality
- # Hue University
- # Vietnamese student satisfaction.
Student satisfaction with education service has been considered one of the most critical strategic factors to attract students of higher education institutions around the world. Various models of satisfaction with education service quality have been developed to motivate actions towards improving the education quality. This study aimed to confirm a Vietnamese theoretical five-dimension model of student satisfaction with higher education service and investigate the relationship between student satisfaction with education service quality and student satisfaction with educational outcomes in this model. A cross-sectional survey on 2933 students from four-member universities of Hue University in Central Vietnam was conducted. The research results showed that the model of student satisfaction with education service in Hue University was consistent with the proposed theoretical model, which comprises five dimensions including access to education service, facilities and teaching equipment, educational environment, educational activities, and educational outcomes. In addition, the satisfaction of all dimensions of education service quality from dimension 1 to 4 affects the satisfaction of educational outcomes, of which educational activities have the most significant impact. This research result can provide a number of implications and recommendations for Hue University to implement appropriate measures to improve student satisfaction with education services received, thereby enhancing educational outcomes, attracting and retaining students.
educational outcomes education service quality hue university vietnamese student satisfaction
Keywords: Educational outcomes, education service quality, Hue University, Vietnamese student satisfaction.
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