Views of School Administrators Regarding the Assignment of School Principals
The aim of the study is to determine views of principals regarding assignment procedure. Data were gathered with the implementation of semi-structured.
- Pub. date: July 15, 2018
- Pages: 695-705
- 3 Citations
- #School administration
- # principal
- # regulations of administrator assignment
- # selecting administrator
The aim of the study is to determine views of principals regarding assignment procedure. Data were gathered with the implementation of semi-structured interview forms from 14 administrators in the center of Konya according to ‘Purposive sampling’ method. The data were analyzed by content analysis and the following findings have been reached. There should be criteria such as an examination (written and verbal), developing projects related with the school, receiving academic or in-service training in administration, having experience as assistant principal, preparation of evaluation forms aiming at objectivity and improvement, election of the assistant principal by the principal without any intervention among the successful ones from the written exams, appointment of administrators instead of assignment, acceptance of school administration as a profession, regulations respecting of the objectivity, justice and equality. It is recommended that similar studies be conducted through quantitative research.
school administration principal regulations of administrator assignment selecting administrator
Keywords: School administration, principal, regulations of administrator assignment, selecting administrator
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