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Eurasian Society of Educational Research
Christiaan Huygensstraat 44, Zipcode:7533XB, Enschede, THE NETHERLANDS
Research Article

Virtual Laboratory Design for Learning Electro-Pneumatic Practices in Vocational High Schools

Mochamad Sukardjo , Uswatun Khasanah , Stephanus Turibius Rahmat , Khaerudin , Budi Setiawan

Teaching a subject in a vocational high school (VHS) requires specialized instructional design strategies. Recently, instructional VHS used a computer.


Teaching a subject in a vocational high school (VHS) requires specialized instructional design strategies. Recently, instructional VHS used a computer-based platform to teach theory and practice. The computer will assist teachers in creating instructional media. This study aims to design augmented reality-based virtual laboratory media for electro-pneumatic practicum learning in order to ease teachers and students to learn the pneumatic practice. It is specially designed for practical learning purposes. The method used in this research is research and development. The assessment results from Instructional design experts 4.5, material experts 4.5, media experts 4.4, and language experts 4.8. Based on the assessment of experts, this augmented reality-based virtual laboratory media is feasible to use. Next, the results of this study are a prototype of students' pneumatic practice tools installed on mobile phones consisting of eight worksheets. In the designed augmented reality media, 1) 3-dimensional pneumatics can be rotated in all directions so that students understand. 2) Pneumatic job sheet, where on the augmented reality media designed for the simulation circuit, there is an explanation of the components and how they work, and a simulation through markers.

Keywords: Design instructional, electro-pneumatics, practical learning, virtual laboratory.

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