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Eurasian Society of Educational Research
Christiaan Huygensstraat 44, Zipcode:7533XB, Enschede, THE NETHERLANDS
Research Article

Vocational High School Students’ Perception of Assessments in Online Learning: For, As, and Of Learning

Edy Supriyadi , Nur Kholis , Haryanto , Samsul Hadi

Implementing online learning has led to several issues, especially those related on assessments to measure students’ learning achievement. This .

  • Pub. date: April 15, 2024
  • Pages: 445-456
  • 2 Citations


Implementing online learning has led to several issues, especially those related on assessments to measure students’ learning achievement. This study aimed to obtain accurate information on learning assessments for vocational high school (VHS) students during online learning, including assessment for learning (AfL), assessment as learning (AaL), and assessment of learning (AoL). It also investigated students’ perceptions of the assessments based on their grades. This quantitative research employed the survey method, collecting data through questionnaires. The population of this research is VHS students in Indonesia, totaling 86,885 students. The participants of this study were 487 VHS students. The data were analyzed using descriptive and ANOVA techniques. The results show that most VHS students positively perceive the assessment of learning achievements in online learning for AfL, AaL, and AoL aspects. Moreover, there is a significant difference in students' perceptions of the assessment in online learning based on grades. The perception of class XII students is the highest (average value = 3.90) of all classes, while the other classes have an average value of 3.38 for class XI, and the average value of class X is 3.81.

Keywords: Assessment, online learning, vocational high school.

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