A Systematic Review on Geometric Thinking: A Review Research Between 2017-2021
S. B. Waluya
Y. L. Sukestiyarno
Iqbal Kharisudin
Geometric thinking affects success in learning geometry. Geometry is studied from elementary school to university level. Therefore, in higher educatio.
Geometric thinking affects success in learning geometry. Geometry is studied from elementary school to university level. Therefore, in higher education and basic education, it is necessary to carry out a systematic review in order to obtain tips for improving geometric thinking skills. A systematic review of geometric thinking was done in this study. In this study from 2017 to 2021, geometric thinking was investigated in the form of a synthesis review of the effect size of the given treatment. This is a comprehensive discussion of theories, models, and frameworks on the topic of geometric thinking from 36 articles. The research findings revealed that the interventions used were predominantly effective, with effect sizes ranging from "small" to "very large," with the "very large" effect obtained in the intervention of van Hiele's learning phase and various technology-based-media and concrete manipulative media. The research trend was reflected through twelve clusters of interrelated keywords. The results of this literature review suggested that it is necessary to carry out a specific study on how to achieve the highest level of geometric thinking, a more detailed form of scaffolding, and concrete manipulative media and technology that can be explored for a certain level of the participants’ geometric thinking.
Keywords: Geometric thinking, pre-service teachers, technology based-media.
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