An Emotional Literacy Improvement (ELI) Program for EFL Teachers: Insiders’ Views
If the challenges of today's world are to be met, then there is a need to give more prominence to emotion in education, i.e. indulging the p.
- Pub. date: October 15, 2019
- Pages: 1113-1125
- 3 Citations
If the challenges of today's world are to be met, then there is a need to give more prominence to emotion in education, i.e. indulging the personal, emotional and spiritual aspects of teaching, and promoting the teachers’ social-emotional competencies along with the schooling influence. In this respect, structuring the contents of in-service programs has gained vital importance in all fields of education including English Language Teaching (ELT). This action research study involved 17 EFL instructors to enhance their emotional literacy regarding learning in self and in others and consequently develop behaviors that would be caused by finding out about emotional intelligence. Relatedly, it was aimed to set up a framework of a teacher development program that the instructors at a foreign language school at a state university in Turkey improve their emotional literacy skills and create opportunities to impart these skills to their students as well as to people in their personal lives. The article reports on the participants’ and the researcher’s views regarding the maturation of an emotional literacy improvement program for in-service professional development purposes in ELT context.
emotional intelligence emotional literacy improvement efl teachers professional development
Keywords: Emotional intelligence, emotional literacy improvement, EFL teachers, professional development.
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