The Use of PSPP Software in Learning Statistics
Minerva Sto.-Tomas
Darin Jan Tindowen
Marie Jean Mendezabal
Pyrene Quilang
Erovita Teresita Agustin
This descriptive and correlational study investigated the effects of using PSPP in learning Statistics on students’ attitudes and performance. T.
This descriptive and correlational study investigated the effects of using PSPP in learning Statistics on students’ attitudes and performance. The respondents of the study were 200 Grade 11 Senior High School students who were enrolled in Probability and Statistics subject during the Second Semester of School Year 2018-2019. The respondents were randomly selected from those classes across the different academic strands that used PSPP in their Probability and Statistics subject through stratified random sampling. The results revealed that the students have favorable attitudes towards learning Statistics with the use of the PSPP software. The students became more interested and engaged in their learning of statistics which resulted to an improved academic performance.
Keywords: Probability and statistics, attitude, PSPP software, academic performance, technology.
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