Building Research Capacity and Promoting Collaboration Through Grant Writing: Lessons From Ukrainian Universities
This study examines the state of grant writing practices in Ukrainian universities and proposes recommendations to enhance their capacity to secure ex.
- Pub. date: April 15, 2024
- Pages: 585-603
- 0 Citations
This study examines the state of grant writing practices in Ukrainian universities and proposes recommendations to enhance their capacity to secure external funding for research and development. Through a mixed-methods approach involving surveys and semi-structured interviews, data was gathered from researchers and faculty members. The study identifies challenges faced by Ukrainian universities in obtaining external funding and highlights important themes for improving grant-writing practices. These themes include promoting collaboration, providing resources and infrastructure, implementing language support policies, raising awareness of funding opportunities, offering institutional support, fostering a research culture, establishing internal grant review processes, leveraging international collaborations, and emphasising evaluation and learning. By addressing these themes, Ukrainian universities can improve their grant-writing practices, increase proposal competitiveness, and enhance success rates in securing external funding. This study provides valuable insights, complements existing literature, and offers practical recommendations for grant writing in Ukrainian universities.
external funding higher education grant writing practices research capacity ukrainian universities
Keywords: External funding, higher education, grant writing practices, research capacity, Ukrainian universities.
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