Developing a Low-Cost Microcontroller–Based Model for Teaching and Learning
Recently, as low-cost microcontrollers such as those developed by Arduino and Raspberry Pi have become widely available, the term maker education has .
- Pub. date: July 15, 2020
- Pages: 921-934
- 2 Citations
- #Arduino
- # automobile
- # low-cost microcontroller
- # teaching and learning model
- # technology education.
Recently, as low-cost microcontrollers such as those developed by Arduino and Raspberry Pi have become widely available, the term maker education has emerged as a hot topic in education. Teachers are increasingly using low-cost microcontrollers in their classes, but conducting a class that focuses on using a microcontroller may cause difficulties or problems, for the learner or for the instructor. To solve these problems, it was necessary to design a teaching and learning model for the use of low-cost microcontrollers to be applied at school sites. Accordingly, this study aimed to develop a teaching and learning model for using low-cost microcontrollers. As a result of this study, the author proposes a teaching and learning model that consists of six stages: topic selection, exploration of implementation methods, experimentation, production of teaching and learning materials, implementing lesson plans, and improvement. According to this procedure, teaching and learning materials were created and applied for the subject matter of a middle school unit on “Making Arduino Automobile.” The model developed in this study may provide a guideline for teachers who want to apply low-cost microcontrollers in their classes.
arduino automobile low cost microcontroller teaching and learning model technology education
Keywords: Arduino, automobile, low-cost microcontroller, teaching and learning model, technology education.
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