Development of Waves Critical Thinking Test: Physics Essay Test for High School Student
Ani Rusilowati
Ridho Adi Negoro
Mahardika Prasetya Aji
Bambang Subali
This study aims to produce a product to evaluate students' critical thinking skills that departs from physics content where students often have mi.
This study aims to produce a product to evaluate students' critical thinking skills that departs from physics content where students often have misconceptions. This research is a development research with research stages covering a) research and review literature; (b) planning chapter objectives; (c) developing a preliminary form; (d) field-testing the preliminary form; (e) Revise the preliminary form; (f) conducting a main field-test. The Waves Critical Thinking (WCT) test developed consists of 7 questions with 15 specific domains. Total percentage of content validity test was obtained 87.98% with appropriate criteria and based on the construct validity WCT test, the Goodness of Fit criteria were obtained which were classified as fit. The test instrument being tested consists of 15 objective items. The reliability of WCT test results 0.597 as a Cronbach's alpha score with the medium category and all the components have a good level of composite reliability. The outcome of the study was the WCT test with a valid state for measuring students' CT in a specific domain of physics wave material.
Keywords: Assessment in physics, essay test, physics essay test, waves critical thinking test.
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