Do Coronavirus Confinement Measures Cause Anxiety, Stress and Depression in University Students?
Milka Elena Escalera-Chávez
Josefina C. Santana
Arturo García-Santillán
Though Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) is not a disease that directly affects people's minds, the confinement measures intended to prevent its spre.
Though Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) is not a disease that directly affects people's minds, the confinement measures intended to prevent its spread have been taking a toll on mental health. The objective of this study is to evaluate the level of anxiety, stress and depression in university students of the Middle Zone Multidisciplinary Academic Unit of the Autonomous University of San Luis Potosí during the confinement caused by the presence of COVID 19 and to evaluate if these levels are different in men and women. The sample consisted of 180 university students enrolled in the semester between January and May 2020. The short version of the 21-item DASS questionnaire was used. The results give evidence that the level of depression, anxiety and stress in these university students is not high and there is not enough evidence to say that there is a difference between the level of depression, anxiety and stress in women and men.
Keywords: Anxiety, confinement, coronavirus, depression, stress.
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