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Eurasian Society of Educational Research
Christiaan Huygensstraat 44, Zipcode:7533XB, Enschede, THE NETHERLANDS
Research Article

Effects of a Transformative Learning Program for Developing Active Global Citizenship among Thai Students

Peenithi Siritheeratharadol , Sudarat Tuntivivat , Ungsinun Intarakamhang

This experimental research aimed to examine the effectiveness of the transformative learning program (TLP) on the active global citizenship (AGC) of 6.

  • Pub. date: April 15, 2023
  • Pages: 749-758
  • 2 Citations


This experimental research aimed to examine the effectiveness of the transformative learning program (TLP) on the active global citizenship (AGC) of 60 undergraduate students who had joined student affairs engaging in community development, working with a volunteer spirit, and community service. The participants were randomly assigned into experimental and control groups (n=30 for each group). The data were collected using the AGC Scale with a reliability of .968. Assessments were conducted three times: before, after the experiment, and follow-up. The TLP consisted of five steps: (a) Review social issues and crises contributing to disorientation; (b) Reflect critically to reach solutions; (c) Reformulate the meaning of perspectives to plan a course of action based on new perspectives; (e) Accept and improve new practices; and (f) Evaluate. MANOVA was performed to analyze the data. The results showed that students in the experimental group had a higher mean score of AGC than the control group, both after treatment and at follow-up (p < .05); the mean scores of the AGC of the experimental group after treatment and at follow-up were higher than the mean score before treatment (p < .05); and the mean score of AGC of the experimental group at follow up was higher than the score after treatment with no statistical significance. In conclusion, educational personnel could use this TLP to promote AGC for university students.

Keywords: Active citizenship, global citizenship, transformative learning, undergraduate students, educational management.

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