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Review Article

Effects of Generic and Subject-Didactic Teaching Characteristics on Student Performance in Mathematics in Secondary School: A Scoping Review

Carina Spreitzer , Samuel Hafner , Konrad Krainer , Andreas Vohns

Research on instructional quality has been of great interest for several decades, leading to an immense and diverse body of literature. However, due t.

  • Pub. date: April 15, 2022
  • Pages: 711-737
  • 5 Citations


Research on instructional quality has been of great interest for several decades, leading to an immense and diverse body of literature. However, due to different definitions and operationalisations, the picture of what characteristics are important for instructional quality is not entirely clear. Therefore, in this paper, a scoping review was performed to provide an overview of existing evidence of both generic and subject-didactic characteristics with regard to student performance. More precisely, this paper aims to (a) identify both generic and subject-didactic characteristics affecting student performance in mathematics in secondary school, (b) cluster these characteristics into categories to show areas for quality teaching, and (c) analyse and assess the effects of these characteristics on student performance to rate the scientific evidence in the context of the articles considered. The results reveal that teaching characteristics, and not just the instruments for recording the quality of teaching as described in previous research, can be placed on a continuum ranging from generic to subject-didactic. Moreover, on account of the inconsistent definition of subject-didactic characteristics, the category of ‘subject-didactic specifics’ needs further development to establish it as a separate category in empirical research. Finally, this study represents a further step toward understanding the effects of teaching characteristics on student performance by providing an overview of teaching characteristics and their effects and evidence.

Keywords: Generic characteristics, instructional quality, mathematics achievement, mathematics instruction, subject-didactic characteristics.

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